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Cardinal de Fleury byFrom 1726 until his death in 1743, Fleury effectively ruled France with the king's assent. Fleury dictated the choices to be made, and encouraged the king's indecision and flattered his pride. He forbade the king to discuss politics with the Queen. In order to save on court expenses, he sent the youngest four daughters of the king to be educated at the Abbey of Fontevrault. On the surface it was the most peaceful and prosperous period of the reign of Louis XV, but it was built upon a growing volcano of opposition, particularly from the noble members of the Parlements, who saw their privileges and power reduced. Fleury made the Papal doctrine Unigenitus part of French law and forbade any debate in Parlement, which caused the silent opposition to grow. He also downplayed the importance of the French Navy, which would prove be a fatal mistake in future conflicts.Fleury showed the King the virtues of a stable government; he kept the same Minister of War, Bauyn d'Angervilliers, and controller of the currency, for twelve years, and his minister of foreign affairs, for ten years.
3 days ago - Hi, Lilly! To really understand what this phrase means (it's an idiom) you have to understand the political climate before the French Revolution. Apres moi le deluge - word meaning, usage, and definition in English. Next word: apricot. 'apres moi le deluge' used in domains.
His minister of the Navy and household of the King, the Conte de Maurepas, was in office the entire period. In all he had just thirteen ministers over the course of nineteen years, while the King, in his last thirty-one years, employed forty-three.Louis's Michel Robert Le Peletier des Forts (1726–1730), stabilized the French currency, though he was expelled for enriching himself in 1730. His successor, substantially reduced the debt caused by the War of the Spanish Succession, and simplified and made more fair the tax system, though he still had to depend upon the unpopular dixieme, or tax of the tenth of the revenue of every citizen. Orry managed, in the last two years of Fleury's government, to balance the royal budget, an accomplishment never again repeated during the rest of the reign.Fleury's government expanded commerce, both within France and with the rest of the world.
Transportation and shipping were improved with the completion of the Saint-Quentin canal (linking the and rivers) in 1738, which was later extended to the and the, and the systematic building of a national road network. By the middle of the 18th century, France had the most modern and extensive road network in the world.
The Council of Commerce stimulated trade, and French foreign maritime trade increased from 80 to 308 million between 1716 and 1748.The Government continued its policy of religious repression, aimed at the Jansenists and the so-called 'Gallicans' in Parlements of nobles. After the dismissal of 139 members of provincial parlements for opposing the official government and papal doctrine of Unigenitus, the Parlement of Paris had to register the Unigenitus papal bull and was forbidden to hear religious cases in the future. Foreign relations – New alliances; the War of the Polish Succession. Father-in-law of Louis XV and briefly King of PolandCardinal Fleury responded with a carefully orchestrated campaign of diplomacy. He first won assurances from Britain and Holland that they would not interfere in the war, while lining up alliances with Spain and the King of Sardinia in exchange for pieces of the Habsburg Empire. On 10 October 1733, Louis formally declared war against Austria. A French army occupied the Duchy of Lorraine and then Alsace, while another crossed the Alps and captured Milan on 3 November, handing it over to the King of Sardinia.
Fleury was less energetic in his actions to restore the Polish throne to Stanlslaw, who was blockaded by the Russian navy and army in Danzig. Instead of sending the largest part of the French fleet from its station off Copenhagen to Danzig, he ordered it to return to Brest and sent only a small squadron with two thousand soldiers, which after a fierce action was sunk by the Russians.
On 3 July Stanislaw was forced to flee again, in disguise, to Prussia, where he became the guest of King in the castle of.To bring the war to an end, Fleury and Charles VI negotiated an ingenious diplomatic solution., left Lorraine for Vienna, where he married, the heir presumptive to the Habsburg thrones. The vacant throne of Lorraine was to be occupied by Stanislav, who abandoned his claim to the Polish throne. Upon the death of Stanislaw, the Duchy of Lorraine and Bar would become part of France. Francis, as the future emperor, would be compensated for the loss of Lorraine by the granting of the Duchy of Tuscany. The King of Sardinia would be compensated with certain territories in Lombardy; while the Sardinians would return Naples, in exchange for Parma and Plaisance.
The marriage of Francis of Lorraine and Maria Theresa took place in 1736, and the other exchanges took place in turn. With the death of Stanislav in 1766, Lorraine and the neighboring became part of France.In September 1739, Fleury scored another diplomatic success.
France's mediation in the war between the and the led to the (September 1739), which favoured the Ottoman Empire, beneficiary of a against the since the early 16th century. As a result, the Ottoman Empire in 1740 renewed the French, which marked the supremacy of French trade in the Middle East.
With these successes, Louis XV's prestige reached its highest point. In 1740 declared 'Since the Treaty of Vienna France is the arbiter of Europe.' War of the Austrian Succession. Map of (blue color) in 1750, before the (1754 to 1763), that was part of the Seven Years' War.In the New World, conflict had already begun between Britain and France. The French colonies were at an enormous demographic disadvantage; there were less than 70,000 French colonists spread over a territory from the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes extending down the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys down to Louisiana (named for Louis's grandfather, Louis XIV); compared with 300,000 in the British colonies.
To defend its territories. France had constructed to defend their frontier against the Americans; Britain sent the young with a small force to construct his own fortification, nearby. In 1752, after the killing of French envoy, the French sent reinforcements and compelled Washington and his men to withdraw.The undeclared followed, with Britain treating the French colonies as an enemy. In 1755, the British seized 300 French merchant ships. In January 1756, Louis sent an ultimatum to London, which was rejected by the British government. A few months later, on 16 January 1756, of Prussia signed the, allying himself with Britain. Louis responded immediately on 1 May 1756 by sealing a formal defensive treaty with Austria, the first, offering to defend Austria in case of a Prussian attack.
This was a complete reversal of France's historic conflict with Austria, which had been underway for nearly two hundred years, and it was shocking to many in the French Court.Louis declared war on England on 9 June 1756, and success seemed certain. A French fleet in the Mediterranean defeated the British at the, and captured that island. The French army greatly outnumbered the British and Prussians on the continent. The French army won the surrender of the British forces of the Duke of Comberland at Closterseven. Another French army invaded and, the ancestral home of King George II. However, the best French commander, had died two years after the, and the new French commanders, and the detested each other, and were rarely willing to cooperate. Defeats the French army at the (5 November 1755)In August Frederick of Prussia made a lightning strike into Saxony and on 5 November 1757, though outnumbered by the French nearly two to one, decisively defeated the army of the Prince de Soubise at the.
The new British Prime Minister, named a new commander, and the French armies were gradually pushed back to the Rhine, and defeated again at the Battle of Crefield on 23 June. Thereafter, Britain and Prussia held the upper hand, tying down the French army in the German states along the Rhine. The British victory at the (20 November 1759) ended Louis's hopes of invading EnglandBritish naval supremacy prevented France from reinforcing its colonies overseas, and British naval squadrons raided the French coast at and and landed on the Ile d'Aix and Le Havre. In 1759 the British seized and in the West Indies, and captured.
A series of naval defeats forced Louis to abandon plans for. In India, the French colony at was surrounded by the British, and surrendered the following year. On 8 September 1760, surrendered, bringing to an end French rule in Canada. Martinique fell to the British in 1762. Assassination attempt. Louis named the Duke de Choiseul as his minister of foreign affairs on 3 December 1758, following the recommendation of Madame de Pompadour. In 1763, he became Minister of War, giving the role of minister of foreign affairs to his cousin, the Duc de Praslin.
A few months later, he also became the Minister of the Navy, and became the most influential and powerful member of the government. In the council and circles of government, he was the leader of the philisophe faction, which included Madame de Pompadour, which sought to appease the Parlements and the Jansenists. On the diplomatic front, he negotiated a with the Bourbon monarch of Spain (1761); negotiated the in 1761, and completed the integration of into France (1766) upon the death of the King's father-in-law, Duke of Lorraine. He incorporated into France (1768), and negotiated the marriage of his grandson, the future Louis XVI with (1770).His most notable accomplishment was the reform modernization of the French military, based on the lessons learned during the Seven Years' War. Under Choiseul, the government, rather than the officers, took the responsibility of training, giving uniforms, and training soldiers. The artillery was standardized, and new tactics, based on the Prussian model, were adopted and taught. The Navy in 1763 had been reduced to just 47 vessels and twenty frigates, three times smaller than the British Royal Navy fleet.
He launched a major shipbuilding program to construct eighty vessels and forty-five new frigates, which would allow the French fleet, combined with the allied Spanish fleet, to outnumber the Royal Navy. Suppression of the Jesuits (1764). The Chancellor and last head of government under Louis XVThe King passed the leadership of the government to a triumvirate of three conservative ministers, led by his Chancellor, who had been President of the Parlement from 1763 to 1768. Maupeou and two other conservative ministers, Abbot Terray for finance and the Duc d'Aiguillon for foreign affairs and war, took charge of the government. They became known as 'The Triumvirate'.Suppression of the Parlements The first priority of Maupeou was to bring the unruly Parlements under control, and to continue with his program for the modernization of the state.
Most of the members of the Parlement of Paris were on a virtual strike, refusing to render justice or approve the King's decrees. On 21 January 1771, royal agents and musketeers arrived at the homes of each of the Parlement members, informing them that their positions were confiscated and ordering them to leave Paris and return to their home provinces, and not to leave them. This was followed in February by an even more radical measure: the regional Parlements were replaced as the high courts of civil justice by six new regional high councils, to judge serious criminal and civil cases.
Another decree announced the abolition of the high fees demanded by the Parlements for resolving civil cases, which were the source of their members' income; civil justice was to be rendered without charge. The powers of the Parlement of Paris alone were largely unchanged. Without the provincial parliaments, the government was able enact new laws and taxes without opposition. However, after the King's death, the nobility demanded and received the restoration of the regional parliaments. Finances Abbot Terray was nominally a priest, though his government career was entirely secular, and his personal life was considered scandalous.
After Me The Deluge Meaning
He was an efficient and relentless tax collector; he opened a school to train tax inspectors, and worked to see that taxes were imposed and collected with the same precision and vigor in all regions, without interference from the local nobility. When he first took his position, the state had a budget deficit of 60 million livres, and a long-term debt of 100 million livres.
By 1774, revenues had been increased by 60 million livres and the debt reduced to 20 million livres. He also reimposed the regulation of the price of grain, which had been freed in 1763 and 1764; these controls were an issue which would disturb the government and provoke agitation until the French Revolution. Foreign affairs The foreign affairs post had been left vacant by Choiseul, who acted as his own foreign minister.
Following the dismissal of Choiseul, the King encouraged his cousin and ally to settle the crisis over the with the aim of avoiding a war. Due to Choiseul's sole focus on a war with Britain, he had completely ignored the rest of Europe. France did not even have an ambassador in Vienna, and Russia and Prussia divided up an old French ally, Poland, without protest from France. Another ally of France, Sweden, also risked being divided between Russia and Prussia upon the death of its King in 1771. The Prince Royal, was staying in Paris at the time. He had a long meeting with Louis XV, who promised to support him.
With French funding, and assistance from Louis's personal secret intelligence service, the Secret de Roi, Gustave III returned to Stockholm. On 19 August 1772, at his command, the Swedish royal guard imprisoned the Swedish Senate, and two days later he was proclaimed King by the Diet. Russia and Prussia, occupied with the division of Poland, protested but did not intervene. Last years in Versailles.